Module Variations

There are 8 stylistic module class suffixes, these add a unique style variation to the module: title1-4 and box1-4; and various additional structural suffixes, these affect the layout and metrics of the module.

Furthermore, you can also add FontAwesome icons into the Module Class Suffix. You will get a small sized icon to the left of the title. Suffixes are in the icon-NAME format such as icon-star, as shown on the Typography page.


An example module using the title1 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.


An example module using the title3 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.


An example module using the box1 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.


An example module using the box3 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.


An example module using the title2 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.


An example module using the title4 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.


An example module using the box2 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.


An example module using the box4 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.

Using a Suffix

Enter any available suffixes at Extensions → Module Manager → Module → Module Class Suffix.

You can compound multiple suffixes together such as: box1 title3.

box2 title1

An example module using the box2 title1 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.

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box4 title2

An example module using the box4 title2 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.

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box3 title4

An example module using the box3 title4 module suffix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecetur adipiscing elit donec sit amet nibh.

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